Today was not a day of rest at all. Got up early this a.m. and made the icing for the cupcakes I made yesterday and homemade pimento and cheese for additional sandwiches for the shower. Got dressed and went to Sunday School. Came home and started icing the cupcakes, made lunch, and started painting a cross. While cross drying, I made the pimento and cheese sandwiches and cut them into thirds. Then decided I did not have a tray for the sandwiches, so I went to Walmart. Back home and heated up the poboys I made yesterday. Andrew called ( son-in-law) and his parents were coming down to help him paint the nursery and we needed to get the desk out and move it here. Ok, after that it was get back dressed for the shower, load the car with the trays of food and all the plates, napkins,etc.--real strange, but when I came out to load the car, there was not a soul at my house. Everyone had disappeared, so add an additional 15 minutes to my already tight schedule for me to load the car. Carre-daughter- calls and says I am off work early, we can ride together. Great. When I get to her house she says I told 2 friends we would pick them up. Ok again, add 15 minutes to already tight schedule. All's well that ends well--got to shower 30 minutes later than I expected, but 30 minutes ahead of the first guest. The event was wonderful. The little girl got a lot of nice gifts, and the girls and us moms, had a lot of wonderful conversation and laughter. This was a kitchen shower we gave for Carre's friend who is getting married next month.
The card above is all Close to my Heart--paper, cardstock, stamps, brads--the only thing not CTMH are the flower brads. These came from Picture Perfect Scrapbook Co. I love the color combinations in this card, and the saying is one of my favorites. I used layering and faux stitching techniques.
Simon and his friends have found them a little fishing hole. It is down the street from one of his buddies house, so they all ride their bikes and head to the lake. It is a little cutoff area that has been dug out and it feeds off the river. They are fishing with dog food. It is really cute seeing them with poles, tackle boxes, backpacks, water jugs heading down the street on their bikes. We live pretty far away, so we have to take his bike to the buddies house and he starts from there. If he has a buddie to ride with, we let them ride from our house, but if by himself we take him and the bike to meet the crew. They caught 2 brim and 2 catfish yesterday and 5 brim today. The cute thing today is that they saw some big catfish come up to feed and if one of those little boys gets a hold of one of those, I hope I am near to watch. It's gonna be great!! After all was done today, I took some of the pimento and cheese to my best friend (it is one of her favorites) and visited with her. It was restful and quiet until her 10 month old twin grandbabies came home from visiting some friends with their mom. Quiet changed to wild in a hurry. They are so cute. One is crawlilng and the other is rocking but not moving and he fusses. I told him today that he was going to have to get with the program. Enjoyed visiting with ya'll today, but my bed is calling my name. Take care. Be safe, healthy, happy. Smile lots, laugh often. Please hug the ones you love every chance you get. Our community lost 2 young men last evening--one to diabetes, very unexpected and sudden, and the other to inner demons--he took his own life. One was 25 and the other 19. Pray for these famiies--the Jones and Aldridge families--I know you don't know them, but please ask God to lift these families up in His arms, comfort them and ease their pain. Pray for our soldiers and in closing GOD bless ya'll. Good nite!!!