Oldest son is still in Montana and I miss him so much. He should be home late Wednesday. He has had great luck while he has been there. He filled both his tags. Got an 8 piont white tail deer and a 5 by 5 bull elk. He is bow hunting. His little girl friend came over today and spent part of the afternoon with us. She really misses him also. His buddies rolled his yard last night with toilet paper. They really got it good. The only thing is that they thought he was coming home today and since he is not, I will have to clean it up. YUK!!!! Lauren (girlfriend) took a pic of it and sent it to him to see. Simon (youngest son) is finally better. He has had the flu last week and missed all week of school. The teachers were kind enough to send home most of the tests he missed and we have one more spelling test to take and then he will be done. He is so ready to go back to see his friends. Little momma (daughter) is hanging in there. Bless her heart, she is at that end of the pregnancy miserable stage. She is doing good, just ready for baby to get here. She is still working and plans to work up until time to deliver.
I received a book at church the other day and am just now getting around to reading it. It is called "Overcoming the Overwhelming" by Dr. Ken Nichols. Our pastor preached on this several weeks ago. I was glancing over the context and saw this verse. The book says memorize it and repeat it daily-------
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."____Mathew 11:28-30
Ya'll have a great week. Be safe, happy, and healthy. Hug your loved ones. Smile and laugh often. God bless ya'll!!!