This summer has been wonderful so far. We moved our yearly beach trip up to June this year, so we could celebrate a young man's birthday in Destin. He picked the restaurant, and it was a blast. The hat was a gift from the staff after they sang Happy Birthday!! Angel baby was great, as long as she did not have to touch or stand in the SAND!!!!!! She hated it. She loved the waves splashing her, but she had to be held in the water, and most of the time we were on the beach she was in a lap. Occasionally she would sit in her little tent, but not for long. I have really gotten back into my pottery. The pic here is a chip and dip. I have had several sales so far, and have been approached about putting it in some stores. I am throwing the idea around in my head, and trying to get some displays together to maybe try it for a while and see what it does. Quantity is the problem. My time is limited to how much can be produced to sell. We will see what happens, still thinking! I am officially in the "studio". The move has been slow, but productive. My house is looking better everyday, because of the disapearance of the craft stash. I will post some pics later this week so ya'll can see the progress. Hubby says he is worried he will never see me again, because I spend most of the time over there!! Please, I am just around the corner!!! Ha Ha! He loves the quiet as much as I do!!
Well time to head to work---first day back after the vacation---UGH!!!! Ya'll take care. Be safe, healthy, happy. Hug those you love. Smile and laugh out loud. Pray for our soldiers, their families, our country, and all those affected by tornadoes, fires and world disasters! Get your priorities straight! God bless ya'll!!!!
P.S. I saw this quote today---"If you can't be a good example, you'll have to be a horrible warning!!"---Author Unknown. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!!!