2013 has been a good year for us. We were blessed with happiness and health!! I talk about my kids and grands all the time, so I thought I would show you who they are. Happy New Year! Hoping 2014 is great for yall, and filled with many of God's blessings!!!
"Finish the year and be done with it. I have done what I could. Some blunders and absurdities have no doubt crept in, I will forget them quickly. Tomorrow is a new year. I will begin it serenely and with a high spirit and hopes. So goodbye 2013....you will soon be over, done and in the books! No New Years resolutions for me...I will take each day as it comes, live each day to the fullest, try everyday to make someone else's life a little better and most importantly know, beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is GOOD and HE alone is in control. HE HAS GOT THIS and for that I am most thankful!!!!!
(Taken from an insert of Ralph Waldo Emerson's take on a day and my dear friends post on FB. I am blessed beyond anything I can ever expect!)