The pic is a clip board I altered today while at home. Very easy, you need clip board (97 cents at our Wally World), designer scrapbook paper, ribbon, and mod podge. Cut paper to fit board--mine was 9 inches wide and length I just eyeballed. Put a thin layer of mod podge on back of paper and fit to board. Use roller of some sort to remove all air bubbles. Put next layer of paper on and do the same with roller. When dry apply 3-4 coats of mod podge paper to seal and prevent tearing. Do the same for the front and back. I made a template out of cardstock so I could fit the paper around the clip, and cut out this area first. Apply ribbons of different colors that go with the paper and wah lah!! Done!!!!!!!!!! Daughter has already claimed this one, and if she does not change her mind (because I made several more today), I will put her name on it with sticky letters. You will need to apply one more coat of mod podge over letters to seal. I put fun sayings, scriptures and flowers on the others. You can do just about anything you want to them.
Time to get going. Ya'll have a blessed week and remember those who are not as fortunate as you. Smile and laugh. Hug those you love. Pray for our soldiers, their families, our country and the leaders of our country. Be healthy, happy, safe. God bless ya'll!!!