Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tempt Your Tummy Tuesday

Good morning!!! I do not have any new projects to post due to the above picture, so I decided to join Tempt Your Tummy Tuesday over at http://www.blessedwithgrace.blogspot.com/. Baby fine, mom fine, daddy had a fever last night and a headache. Not sure what that is about, but must be better because I did not here from them during the night. Cooked all weekend for the family with daughters help. These are her favorite muffins and we made about 70 mini muffins this weekend and 5 mini loaves of bread from a doubled recipe. Here is the recipe:
Mississippi Spice Muffins-------
1 cup soft butter or margarine
2 cups sugar
2 eggs
2 cups applesauce, (preferably unsweetened)
3 tsp ground cinnamon
2 tsp ground allspice
1 tsp ground cloves
1 tsp salt
2 tsp baking soda
4 cups flour
1 cup nuts, chopped (optional)
Powered sugar
Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs one at a time. Mix applesauce and spices. Sift together salt, soda, and flour. Add to applesauce mixture and beat well. Stir in nuts. Bake in a lightly greased mini muffin pan at 350 for 8-10 minutes. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Batter keeps indefinately in the frig. Baked muffins freeze well (reheat before serving) Yields 84 muffins.
I put my warm muffins in a baggie full of powdered sugar and toss to coat. I make mini loaves of bread also. I just cook until toothpick comes out clean in center. Really good and makes your house smell wonderful!! Have a great day! Smile, laugh, love and laugh some more! Hug your kids and your loved ones. Pray for our soldiers and our government leaders that make the decisions that effect these men and women. Be healthy, happy and safe. God bless ya'll!!!


  1. Those sound like delicious muffins and what a sweet little baby!!! I love the huge bow.

  2. Beautiful baby! The muffins look yummy :)


  3. Muffins sound GREAT!!! I love new muffin recipe. Make muffins all the time for the family.
    Your baby is beautiful and the bow is just right for her.
    THANKS!!! for sharing her picture with us.

  4. I was so curious what a Mississippi Spice Muffin was and it's right up my alley. I love using applesauce in my baked goods - it makes it tender and adds to the sweetness, even if it's unsweetened.

    The baby steals the show, though. :) Thanks for sharing this at Slightly Indulgent Mondays! It's a great addition to the other recipes there.

    Amy @ Simply Sugar & Gluten-Free
