Thursday, August 27, 2009

Long Week!!

I have had such a busy week that this is my first time to post. I knew last week this week would be tough, but I did not know quite how tough it would be. We worked Monday night until 11:30 and I am still not over it. Tuesday was a 11 hour day, Wednesday was a 10 hour day, and today (my day off) was a 3 1/2 hour day. Tomorrow does not look much better, I am expecting at least 10 hours. Oh well, as I say, it makes for a good nights sleep.

The above pic is an apron I made for myself last year. The colors are pink and brown. The pattern is called "My Granny's Apron", or something similar to that. I made some of these last year and gave as wedding presents and birthday gifts to friends. I have at least 10 cut out in my sexing box and I plan on finishing them soon. I really think I will give them as Christmas gifts this year to my aunts. I love mine. I also may put some on my Etsy shop. Aprons to me are a classic, that people rarely think of anymore. I am so glad to see such sites as Apronista out there. I hope people will start back using them as our parents did. My mom and grans always had an apron on.

Today's bible scripture is :

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up as you already are doing"-----

1 Thessalonians 5:11

In this world today there is much more criticism than encouragment. Whether it be at home, at school, or at work, we find fault instead of good. I hope that each of you will think this verse through and repeat it several times. Make it your goal to tell the ones around you the good things they do and not harp on the bad. In the end you will be happier and the person you commended might pass it on and hey--your little good deed could lead to a chain of events that could go all around the world. Wouldn't that be neat??? That is our "Time Out" for this Thursday. I hope to hear good things in the future from this!! Gotta go, little buddie should be in from school soon, and we gotta get homework done, rested and hydrated for football practice late this afternoon. Take care. Be healthy, happy, safe. Hug those you love, and may GOD bless ya'll!!!!!


  1. Aprons seem to be very popular lately!

  2. What a gorgeous apron! A friend of mine makes aprons (not the same style as your "Granny's apron" though), and she sells them like crazy when we share craft show booths with each other. I love the fabric you used too!

  3. Being an official Apronologist...I have to say I love your beautiful apron.

  4. Cute apron! And great reminder with the verse! I totally agree that life is better when we are encouraging others! Thanks!
