Monday, August 17, 2009


Changed my craft pics today. Thought I would have a few days of my pottery. This is a platter I made myself quite sometime ago. If you look hard you will see a chip on the bottom right corner. Child, husband, or animal??? Never could get anyone to own up to that!!! I roll my clay out with a rolling pin or use the slab roller at the co-op. I hand mold, occasionally I drape over something, but mostly I create the size and shape myself. I do not throw on the wheel because I never had enough time to clean it up afterwards. I love this platter and have given many as gifts and sold lots also. I have not done as much pottery lately, but since job changed, I have made 4 pieces. I just need to go and fire them.

Quiet day here. We are running short days this week because my doctor is a farmer also and it is harvest time for some of his crops. We are running 3/4 days instead of full days, but today was like a half day. I got off, came home and started cleaning. The weekend was so busy, my house shows that it was neglected. I have set up the old computer in Simon's room, but having trouble with the internet connection. Andrew coming later to see what I did wrong. Working on the spare bedroom now, but had to take a break. This room is full of toys and I am throwing away broken ones, packing up ones I want to keep for grandbabies and putting in attic, and anthing else is going to this mission that my friend Dawn's mom helps with. I was talking about the old toys and getting rid of them and Gran (Dawn's mom) said let me have them, the missions needs toys right now, so that is todays project. When I get the toys out, I am putting my sewing stuff in there so I will not have to be moving things around. Time to go back to work on the room. Ya'll take care---be safe, happy, healthy--Hug your loved ones--smile til your face hurts and laugh hard--God bless ya'll!!!


  1. I love your platter Patsy, the design and color are very son-in-law makes pottery...I have helped with cutting star designs in lanterns and watching the kiln while he was away.

  2. Your platter is amazing! Too bad you don't have more time for it, you are very talented!

    Christi @ A Southern Life

  3. Very pretty - you are very talented.
